Saturday, March 25, 2017

Ohm's law formula

Ohm's law formula

The voltage V in volts (V) is equal to the current I in amps (A) times the resistance R in ohms (Ω):
V(V) = I(A) × R(Ω)
The power P in watts (W) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V) times the current I in amps (A):
P(W) = V(V) × I(A)

AC Ohm's law formula

The voltage V in volts (V) is equal to the current I in amps (A) times the impedance Z in ohms (Ω):
V(V) = I(A) × Z(Ω) = (|I|×|Z|) ∠ (θI + θZ)
The complex power S in volt-amps (VA) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V) times the current I in amps (A):
S(VA) = V(V) × I(A) = (|V|×|I|) ∠ (θV - θI)

Friday, March 24, 2017

Three phase transformer delta delta connection

The Secret of Science

What is an insulation tester used for

The insulation resistance (IR) test (also commonly known as a Megger) is a spotinsulation test which uses an applied DC voltage (typically either 250Vdc, 500Vdc or 1,000Vdc for low voltage equipment <600V and 2,500Vdc and 5,000Vdc for high voltage equipment) to measure insulation resistance in either kΩ, MΩ or GΩ.

HT Cable insulation resistance test

হাই টেনশন ক্যাবিল ইন্সুলেশন টেস্টিং করার অনেক গুলি নিয়ম আছে যেগুলো অনেকেই জানেন না। যেমন নতুন ক্যাবিল হলে এক ধরণের টেস্টিং করা হয় এবং রানিং ক্যাবিল হলে তার টেস্টিং নিয়ম তা অন্য ধরণের হয়। কিন্তু আজ আমি একটি ফল্ট একর সম্পর্কে জানাবো যা অনেক সময় হাই টেনশন ক্যাবিল এর মধ্যে দেখা যাই সেটি হলো লো ইন্সুলেশন ভ্যালু। এই লো ইন্সুলেশন ভ্যালু কেন হয় এবং এর সমাধান কি. অনেক ইন্ডাস্ট্রি তে দেখাযায় ক্যাবিল মাটির নিচে দিয়ে নিয়ে গিয়েছে যেখানে জমা জল থাকে নোংরা আবর্জনা থাকে এক কোথায় যার কোনো রকমের সেফটি নেয়া হয়নি। এই ধরণের ক্যাবিল এ বেশির ভাগ সময় এই প্রব্লেম দেখা যায়. অনেক সময় দেখা যায় ফীডার এর কোনো প্রব্লেম হয়ে ছিল তার জন্যে ক্যাবিলের পাওয়ার দীর্ঘক্ষণের জন্যে বন্ধ রাখতে হয়ে ছিলো। তার পরে পাওয়ার চালু করতে গিয়ে দেখা যাই যে আই আর ভ্যালু লো আর এই আই আর ভ্যালু লো হওয়ার জন্যে সার্কিট ব্রেকার আর্থ ফল্ট অথবা ওভার কারেন্ট হয়ে ট্রিপ করছে আবার অনেক সময় ক্যাবিল ড্যামেজ ও হয়ে থাকে। এই ড্রোনের প্রবল থেকে মুক্তি পেতে প্রথমে ক্যাবিল কে সুরক্ষিত রাখতে হবে তাহলে এই প্রব্লেম দ্বিতীয় বার না হওয়ার চাঞ্চ থাকবে।
প্রথমে ক্যাবিলের দুই দিখে কানেকশন খুলে দিন তার পরে প্রতিটি লিড এর থেকে দূরত্ব বজায় রাখুন। একটি ইলেকট্রিক হট ব্লুওর নিয়ে ওই ক্যাবিলের লাগ গুলোকে হালকা হালকা গরম করে নিন (মনে রাখবেন হিট যেন ক্যাবিল এর কীট এর মধ্যে না যাই তাহলে ক্যাবিল খারাপ হতে পারে) ক্যাবিল এর লাগ যখন হালকা গরম হয়ে যাবে তখন একবার আই.আর ভ্যালু দেখুন। যদি আই.আর ভ্যালু বেড়ে যাই তাহলে আবার ওই লাগ টিকে হালকা হালকা হিট করুন। ঠিক এমনি ভাবে প্রতিটি ক্যাবিলের লাগ গুলোকে গরম করতে থাকুন আর মাজে মাজে খেয়াল রাখবেন যে আই.আর ভ্যালু বেড়েছে কিনা। ক্যাবিল হিট থাকা কালিনি আই.আর ভ্যালু দেখবেননা। কিছুক্ষন পরে হাত দিয়ে দেখবেন যে হাত দেয়া যাচ্ছে কিনা। যদি হাত দেয়ার মতো গরম থাকে তাহলে আই.আর ভ্যালু দেখবেন। তাহলে আপনি সঠিক ভ্যালু পাবেন।

  • এই কারু কার্য্য সব ধরণের একুপমেন্ট এর ক্ষেত্রে গ্রহণ যোগ্য নয় 
কত কেভি মেশিন দিয়ে আই.আর ভ্যালু দেখলে মিনিমাম ভ্যালু কি থাকা উচিত তা নিচে দেয়া আছে 
R = K x Log 10 (D/d)
ApplicationTest VoltageMin IR Value
New cables – Sheath1KV DC100 MΩ
New cables – Insulation10KV DC1000 MΩ
After repairs – Sheath1KV DC10 MΩ
After repairs – Insulation5KV DC1000MΩ

Thursday, March 23, 2017

This is the first time we have come to the secrets of electrical science news

This is the first time we have come to the secrets of electrical science news

What is sf6 gas used for

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is an inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, extremely potent greenhouse gas, which is an excellent electrical insulator. [4] SF. 6 has an tetrahedral geometry, consisting of six fluorine atoms attached to a central sulfur atom. It is a hyperventilate molecule.

What is the use of gas insulated substation

A gas-insulated substation (GIS) uses a superior dielectric gas, SF6, at moderate pressure for phase-tophase and phase-to-ground insulation. The high voltage conductors, circuit breaker interrupters, switches, current transformers, and voltage transformers are in SF6 gas inside grounded metal enclosures.

What is gas insulated switch gear

Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) 72.5 - 1200 kV. Pioneer and technology leader driving GIS innovations. Gas-insulated high-voltage switchgear (GIS) is a compact metal encapsulated switchgear consisting of high-voltage components such as circuit-breakers and disconnectors, which can be safely operated in confined spaces.

What is a switch gear

In an electric power system, switchgear is the combination of electrical disconnectswitches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgear is used both to de-energize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream.

What is a fuse in a circuit

fuse is nothing more than a short length of wire designed to melt and separate in the event of excessive current. Fuses are always connected in series with the component(s) to be protected from overcurrent, so that when the fuse blows (opens) it will open the entire circuit and stop current through the component(s).

What is the difference between air circuit breaker and vacuum circuit breaker

ACB is used for the voltage level upto 440V, whereas VCB is used beyond the 440V and can be used upto the 220KV. Simplest practical example of ACB is the household electric switch and MCBs, which is a kind of circuit breaker and use theair as arc quenching medium.

What is an oil circuit breaker

Bulk oil circuit breakers (BOCB) Bulk oil circuit breaker (or BOCB) is a such type of the circuit breakers where oil is used as arc quenching media as well as insulating media between current carrying contacts and earthed parts of the breaker. The oil used here is same as transformer insulating oil.

How does a circuit breaker

A miniature or molded - case circuit breaker is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by over current or overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after protective relays detect a fault.

What is the ACB

Adjusted cost base (ACB) is a calculation used to determine the cost of an investment for tax purposes. The Canada Revenue Agency requires investors to use the ACB calculation when determining capital gains or losses for income tax purposes on Schedule 

What is VCB panel

VCBs are type tested according to International Standards IEC-62271 at renowned laboratories. They are compact, safe and reliable. The sub-cubicle is VCB with its compartment having all safety interlocks. The half panel is an assembly of the medium voltage compartments except for low voltage compartment.

What is meant by air circuit breaker

Air Circuit Breaker is a device used to provide Over current and Short Circuit Protection for circuits ranging from 800 Amps to 10000 Amps. One should not be confused between Air Circuit Breaker and Air Blast Circuit BreakerAir Circuit Breakers are usually used in low voltage applications below 450 volts.

What is the use of vacuum circuit breaker

Vacuum Circuit Breaker or VCB and Vacuum Interrupter. Previous. A vacuum circuit breaker is such kind of circuit breaker where the arc quenching takes place in vacuum. The technology is suitable for mainly medium voltage application.

How to Synchronous Motor Speed

An AC motor's synchronous speed, , is the rotation rate of the stator's magnetic field,
where  is the motor supply's frequency, where  is the number of magnetic poles and where  and  have identical units. For  in unit Hertz and  in RPM, the formula becomes
For example, for a four-pole three-phase motor,  = 4 and  = 1,500  and 1,800 , RPM synchronous speed, respectively, for 50 Hz and 60 Hz supply systems.
The two figures at right and left above each illustrate a 2-pole 3-phase machine consisting of three pole-pairs with each pole set 60 degrees apart.


Typical torque curve as a function of slip, represented as 'g' here.
Slip, , is defined as the difference between synchronous speed and operating speed, at the same frequency, expressed in rpm or in percent or ratio of synchronous speed. Thus
where  is stator electrical speed,  is rotor mechanical speed. Slip, which varies from zero at synchronous speed and 1 when the rotor is at rest, determines the motor's torque. Since the short-circuited rotor wingdings have small resistance, a small slip induces a large current in the rotor and produces large torque.[31] At full rated load, slip varies from more than 5% for small or special purpose motors to less than 1% for large motors. These speed variations can cause load-sharing problems when differently sized motors are mechanically connected.Various methods are available to reduce slip, VFDs often offering the best solution.

What is the difference between a star and a delta connection

In STAR connection, the starting or finishing ends (Similar ends) of three phases(coils) are connected together to form the neutral point. A common wire is taken out from the neutral point which is called Neutral.There is no such connection in Delta network. The Line voltage is root three times the phase voltage.

Which bulb will glow brighter a 40 watt or a 100 watt in parallel

60 Watt bulb will glow brighter than 100 Watt, when they are connected in series. When connected to rated supply voltage, the bulbs will consume rated power (40 watt and 60 watt respectively). It is obvious that 60 Watt bulb will glow brighter in this condition.

What is an electrical ground

In electrical engineering, ground or earth is the reference point in an electrical circuit from which voltages are measured, a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth.

What is bonding in electricity

Electrical bonding is the practice of intentionally electrically connecting all exposed metallic items not designed to carry electricity in a room or building as protection from electric shock

Can ground and neutral be connected together

This gives a small voltage between the grounded metal parts of devices connected to it and true ground if phases are unbalanced, which is clearly sub optimal, but if you have a faulty device where a hot wire touches the case, that will at least blow the fuse. It is however wrong to connect ground to neutral in the wall.

How grounding is different than earthlings

While earthing is done not for return path but only for protection of delicate equipment. It is an alternate low resistance path for current. When we take out the neutral for a three phase unbalanced connection and send it to ground, it is called grounding.

Why is there a neutral wire

Neutral is a circuit conductor that normally carries current back to the source, and is connected to ground (earth) at the main electrical panel. All neutral wires of the same earthed (grounded) electrical system should have the same electrical potential, because they are all connected through the system ground.

What is a three phase connection

Three-phase electric power is a common method of alternating-current electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. It is a type of poly phase system and is the most common method used by electrical grids worldwide to transfer power. It is also used to power large motors and other heavy loads.

Why Delta Star transformers are used for lighting loads

For lighting loads, neutral conductor is must and hence the secondary must be star winding and this lighting load is always unbalanced in all three phases. To minimize the current unbalance in the primary we use delta winding in the primary So delta /star transformer is used for lighting loads.

What is a three phase transformer

The combinations of the three winding may be with the primary delta-connected and the secondary star-connected, or star-delta, star-star or delta-delta, depending on the transformers use. When transformers are used to provide three or more phases they are generally referred to as a Poly phase Transformer.